
Some students decided to host a small gathering in the dorms for Halloween. Our dorms are suite style, so 3 rooms in each and a common area, so it was easy to move the furniture to allow people to dance. We had music, food, costumes, and fun. I kept my costume pretty simple and dressed as a cat. I found the ears in Puerto Rico at Walmart. I wanted to actually dress up this year but time flew by so quickly. 

The school hosted a trip to UVI St. Thomas, so I quickly signed up to secure a spot.  Only the first 30 students were able to go. I initially thought it was a day trip, but it was actually almost a week. I notified my professors and got my bags all packed up for St. Thomas. I was so excited for this experience because I was so curious what life was like over in St. Thomas. 

A day before departure my phone blacked out, so I had to go to T-Mobile to get a new phone. This was a bummer because I lost some of my photos and this was just so unexpected. Nonetheless, I was still excited  for St. Thomas. 


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