Almost that time!

Personal Goals: 

Personally, I want to be able to grow as an individual. This experience of being away from family and friends for a long period of time is new to me. I want to be able to not only meet new people, but form relationships that last far beyond my time there. I want to fully experience all that St. Croix has to offer as far as food, music, traditions, etc. I also want to try at least one thing out of my comfort zone! 

Academic Goals: 

Academically, I hope to excel in the classroom. I'm interested to see how their lectures and use of technology for assignments works. I know this will be different from my home university in many areas. I am looking forward to the classes I will be taking because these are classes not offered at UofSC. I hope to gain lots of knowledge and insight to bring back to my home university. 

Bucket List: 

1. Snorkeling

2. Trying foods exclusive to the U.S. Virgin Islands

3.Traveling over to Puerto Rico

I am definitely excited about my whole experience. I am nervous about the unknown such as getting adjusted, meeting my roommate for the first time, and making friends. The campus is small, so I don't have to worry about getting lost or looking for my class buildings. I am most excited about the climate there and hope to see lots of water. As a future educator, I want to be well diversed with my students through my lived experiences. This opportunity allows me to gain much needed exposure that I can use in my future classroom. This can be learning styles, different accommodations to incorporate, and much more. 


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