Labor Day Weekend

 All I could think about all week was the long, relaxing weekend ahead. On Friday night, we had a movie night in one of my friend's suites. They wanted to watch Twilight and I had never seen it, so we watched them all. Surprisingly, I enjoyed them a lot! I generally stick to two movie genres: comedy and romance. I need to branch out and watch other movies because I'm sure I miss so many great movies. On Saturday, I was finally able to take pictures for Instagram, after being here almost a month. This was my way of letting friends and family I haven't spoke too that I'm doing just fine. 

On Sunday, I went to the beach and had a relaxing evening. Monday was the Island Tour sponsored by the university. We started our morning learning a cultural dance. I was lost for a while, but eventually caught the hang of the dance and had fun. We toured a local farm and learned lots of neat information about their crops and processing. After lunch, we got to give beer to the beer drinking pigs. This was an amazing experience! The weekend flew by so fast, but I did get a lot done! 

Here's a link with the story behind the beer drinking pigs:


  1. Twilight is always a reliable choice and comedy/romance are very reliable genres. The beer drinking pigs sound very interesting. I hope you have a lot of video/photographic evidence of these.


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