Puerto Rico

     Like I mentioned in my last blog, a few of the NSE students decided to take a trip over to Puerto Rico. We left early Friday morning and headed over to San Juan. Our first stop was the mall, we were so amazed! We haven’t seen a mall and food court in so long, so we were definitely excited! It felt so good to see so many people. St. Croix is small so you run into a lot of the same people, on and off campus.

    We spent the rest of our day checking out the town. For dinner, we had a delicious Italian restaraunt. Our Airbnb was so nice and spacious for the 4 of us! On Saturday, we got up and went to San Juan National Historic Site to take pictures and walk around. We went to the beach and the waves were strong. I hadn't realize how different St. Croix's beaches were from other beaches. The beach we went to was what I am use to, no rocks and you gradually walk out to the deep parts. That night we went out and had a place called Raices for dinner. My friend wanted to try the mofongo she had heard so much about, she loved it. I stuck with my normal cheeseburger, which was also pretty tasty!

    Sunday was originally our departure day. We got up early and made one last stop to Walmart, since the closest thing to this in St. Croix is Kmart. After many, many delays in our departure time, our flight was unfortunately cancelled. They set us up in the hotel and provided us with food vouchers. I had a relaxing night. I was concerned about missing my class in the morning, but everything happens for a reason. I enjoyed my trip so much! 


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