Point Udall

No class on Monday made the week fly by! Some of my classes were cancelled for some reason this week, so this was a pretty chill week. I had one of my first major assignments, which was a group powerpoint presentation on a research topic. We presented via zoom and everything went geat! On Friday, I went out to a local lounge in Christiansted, my friends and I did karaoke. Well they did all the singing and I was there to laugh and cheer them on. I also experienced Point Udall and got to see shooting stars for the first time. Point Udall is the easternmost part of the United States. I was totally convincved shooting stars was something that only occured in movies. On Saturday morning, everyone went zip lining, but I stayed in for some much needed sleep. I love how the university offers so many events and activities. I know its not the same because of Covid, but they try to make sure we still are having fun. Classes are going great so far. I miss football like crazy, both UofSC football and my NFL team: the Dallas Cowboys. I see we are starting the season off good (UofSC), so i'm definitely cheering from a far. Midterms are quickly approaching so I know my next few weeks will be hectic.


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