Week of August 23

Another long week! Classes are going great so far, I have classes everyday. This means I also have assignments most days. I've been doing pretty good with managing my school work and social life. This week's first activity was "Safe Sex and Coladas" and I had a delicious s'mores milkshake. 

My weekend was very exciting! I went on a shopping trip with my roommate on Friday. We both got bags and bags of clothes and shoes. The only bad part about this was walking to the nearest bus stop with our heavy bags. It was all worth it! On Friday night, we went bowling and I am still horrible at bowling. There were several rounds where I had zero points, but I had a great time hanging out with everyone! 

On Saturday, I spent all day at a local beach. I'm used to lots of sand on the beach with occasional seaweed. This beach had rocks as soon as you enter the water, so I slipped several times. It felt amazing floating in the water. We grabbed a bite to eat at a local restaurant, swam, and ate dinner also while we were out there. 

I chose to relax on Sunday and catch up on some school work. This week shouldn't be too busy, but I do have a math quiz to study for. 


  1. I wish I could have a s'mores milkshake. I also relaxed on Sunday and caught up on school work. Are you going to go bowling again?


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