All About NSE

I decided to participate in the National Student Exchange program to experience a school and culture outside of my own. I had no idea what to expect but nonetheless, I was eager to find out more information and apply. I wanted tropical location, so St. Croix was at the top of my list! The initial application process was fairly smooth, there were several steps on the checklist to complete. My circumstance was special because I was a transfer student with a strict course load. This was a once in a lifetime experience, so I decided to write a petition to my college to shift a few courses around. I'm happy to say my advisor was helpful throughout the process and I got my petition approved. Upon approval,  I was able to complete my application with no problem. I can't describe the emotions I went through when I found out I received a placement at the University of Virgin Islands, St. Croix. I spoke with the director at my host school and got the classes I needed fairly quickly. I am very pleased with my schedule and coming from a larger school, I was surprised at the small number of courses/professors offered. To prepare for my departure, I have a checklist. There are lots of small but important things I must do before I leave. For example, I must set up an appointment for my COVID test and I also need to decide what I will be taking/ leaving behind. I have also created a list of items I will need to purchase once I get over there because I am not able to pack everything. Overall, both the director from my home school and host school made the process a breeze and were willing to assist in anyway they could. 


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